Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Next stop Hong Kong!

After careful planning and months of preparation....oops hang on as a Geelan this could never happen:) Let’s try again: After being offered an opportunity to move to Hong Kong, accepting the offer, departing for Asia two weeks later to join the budget meetings, and then returning to Cph to pack my belongings and make the move, the reality is finally sinking in. After a chaotic two days of frantic packing, cleaning, throwing a lot of things in the bin and saying my final goodbyes, I find myself heading to good old Kastrup airport to embark on the next stage of my "professional" life. After 3 years in Copenhagen, I am definitely ready for a change, but that my next move would be to Hong Kong was unexpected, but exciting none the less:) I sit here wondering what the future brings, reminiscing the many great times I had in Denmark, and looking forward to starting the next chapter of my life. Stay tuned!

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