Tuesday, 24 May 2011

"Marmite made illegal in Denmark:" Looks like I got out just in time!

So there I was missing Copenhagen and all it had to offer only to stumble across some rather disturning news which suddently made me think I may have gotten out just in time;)

"Marmite made illegal in Denmark"

According to the marketing slogan it is a taste that you either love or hate. But Danes will no longer get the chance to make up their own minds on Marmite after the British delicacy was banned under food safety laws.

Marmite made illegal in Denmark

Thursday, 19 May 2011

It seems one can now never escape the Danish tax machine!

Skat strammer grebet om udlandsdanskere
Skat strammer grebet om udlandsdanskere

So it seems that my escape from the Danish taxes was short lived, at least if I intend to ever come back for vacation. I am presuming this doesnt aplly to "small fish" like myself but it still makes you wonder!


Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Geelans go global

Just a little note to commemorate the fact, that, this morning I got into my new office in Hong Kong and chatted with dad who was in San Francisco, then got a call from mum who was in Cypress, before Skyping with Seb who was in Edinburgh, and leaving Torsten a message who is in Macedonia…with Fie back in Sarajevo, its seems we are truly globalized, exciting stuff:)

First day on the job

View from the office!
After a grueling flight with a nice 7 hour layover in Zurich, I finally arrived in Hong Kong. My bags came straight away, and before I knew it, I was on the supremely efficient airport express train straight to Hong Kong station, where I jumped in a taxi and arrived at Times Square, where EF is based. The office itself in on the 23rd floor, of a huge office complex which also contains one of Hong Kongs most exclusive shopping malls. The office itself is pretty impressive, top modern, extremely international, very clean and most importantly has a fantastic view! Whatever they throw at me, I will be more than happy to gaze out the window and soak up the Hong Kong atmosphere:)

Next stop Hong Kong!

After careful planning and months of preparation....oops hang on as a Geelan this could never happen:) Let’s try again: After being offered an opportunity to move to Hong Kong, accepting the offer, departing for Asia two weeks later to join the budget meetings, and then returning to Cph to pack my belongings and make the move, the reality is finally sinking in. After a chaotic two days of frantic packing, cleaning, throwing a lot of things in the bin and saying my final goodbyes, I find myself heading to good old Kastrup airport to embark on the next stage of my "professional" life. After 3 years in Copenhagen, I am definitely ready for a change, but that my next move would be to Hong Kong was unexpected, but exciting none the less:) I sit here wondering what the future brings, reminiscing the many great times I had in Denmark, and looking forward to starting the next chapter of my life. Stay tuned!